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child’s views
孩子的视界  detail>>
67.child’s views
孩子的视界  detail>>
视图菜单  detail>>
as a child
当还是个小孩的时候  detail>>
be with child
怀孕  detail>>
 n.  (pl. children ) 1.孩子,儿童,胎儿,婴儿。 2.孩子气的人,幼稚的人。 3.子孙;后裔;(空想等的)产物。&nb...  detail>>
the child
孩子  detail>>
this child
这孩子  detail>>
with child
怀孩子了 怀孕 有孩子  detail>>
with the child
赤子心  detail>>
ad views
广告浏览  detail>>
album of views
风景画集  detail>>
arrangement of views
视图的排列  detail>>
assembly views
装配视图  detail>>
be moderate in views
持稳健见解  detail>>
bigoted views
偏执的观点  detail>>
breathtaking views
让人惊讶的景色  detail>>
city views
城市风景  detail>>